Source code for schwurbler.schwurbler

Little module offering functions to destroy text by repeated Google

.. moduleauthor:: Signaltonsalat
import logging as log
import random

from time import sleep

import click
import googletrans

from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz


[docs]def validate_path(path): """ Takes a comma-separated list of languages and validates that each language is contained in :py:data:`googletrans.LANGUAGES` Args: path (str): Comma-separated list of languages as a string. Returns: The validated list of each language as a list. Raises: ValueError: If the path string contains invalid languages. Examples: Validate a translation from English, to Japanese, to English: .. code-block:: python path = validate_path('en,ja,en') """ path = [step.lower().strip() for step in path.split(',')] if len(path) < 2: raise ValueError('Path needs to be at least two languages long.') for step in path: if step not in googletrans.LANGUAGES: raise ValueError('Language not known: {}'.format(step)) return path
[docs]def path_schwurbel(path, text): """ Feeds the given text through the given path of languages. The resulting translation is returned. Args: path (list): List of languages to translate through. text (str): The text to translate. Returns: The resulting translated text as a string. Examples: Translate "My hovercraft is full of eels." from English to Japanese and back to English: .. code-block:: python path = 'en,ja,en' text = 'My hovercraft is full of eels.' translated = path_schwurbel(path, text) """ trans = googletrans.Translator() translated = text for src, dest in zip(path, path[1:]): translated = trans.translate(translated, src=src, dest=dest) assert translated.src == src assert translated.dest == dest translated = translated.text sleep(COOLDOWN) return translated
[docs]def set_ratio_schwurbel(text, lang, langs=','.join(googletrans.LANGUAGES.keys()), target_ratio=50): """ Translates the given text through random languages until it only resembles the original text by the given ratio. The comparison metric used is a token set ratio. Args: text (str): The text to schwurbel. lang (str): The language the text is in. langs (str): Comma-separated list of available languages to chose from. target_ratio (int): The target ratio to achieve before returning. Returns: The text re-translated to the given target ratio. Raises: ValueError: If the given languages are invalid. """ log.debug('Performing set ratio schwurbel going for a ratio of: %s', ratio) validate_path(langs) validate_path(','.join((lang, lang))) trans = googletrans.Translator() langs = {l for l in langs.split(',')} stack = [text] last_ratio = 100 while last_ratio > target_ratio: cur_text = stack[-1] nxt_lang = random.sample(langs, 1)[0] nxt_text = trans.translate(cur_text, src=lang, dest=nxt_lang) nxt_text = nxt_text.text nat_text = trans.translate(nxt_text, src=nxt_lang, dest=lang) nat_text = nat_text.text current_ratio = fuzz.token_set_ratio(text, nat_text) if current_ratio < last_ratio: last_ratio = current_ratio stack.append(nat_text) log.debug('Got schwurbel with %s <? %s ratio: %s', last_ratio, target_ratio, nat_text) sleep(COOLDOWN) return nat_text def cli(): """ Click group bundling together available commands. """ pass @cli.command() @click.option('--path', default='en,ja,de,en') @click.argument('text') def fixed(path, text): """ Click command to perform a path schwurbel with the given parameters. """ print('Doing fixed schwurbel: ', text) path = validate_path(path) translated = path_schwurbel(path, text) print() print('Result: ', translated) @cli.command() @click.option('--lang', default='en') @click.option('--langs', default=','.join(googletrans.LANGUAGES.keys())) @click.option('--target_ratio', default=50) @click.argument('text') def ratio(lang, langs, target_ratio, text): """ Click command to perform a set ratio schwurbel with the given parameters. """ print('Doing ratio schwurbel: ', text) schwurbel = set_ratio_schwurbel(text, lang, langs, target_ratio) print() print('Result: ', schwurbel) if __name__ == '__main__': cli()